Monday, January 26, 2009

Left Here In The Wake Of Something New.

Happy Chinese New Year and Happy Australia Day! So, we celebrated CNY at All People's Chinese restaurant yesterday with two families and had an 8-course meal. It was too filling, and had to take away loads.

Since I don't have relatives here, mum just gave me 100bucks. I think I'll spend it on the Lonsdale bag I was going to buy.

Australia Day? Seriously, what? I don't know what it's for but yeah. We ended up going to the city today. It was quite spontaneous of everyone to be driving the ol' cars and wearing aussie flags and stuff.
Yeah, around the city there's just random people everywhere doing crazy things and entertaining people, and some do that for a living. Well this man's a 72-year old korean man standing on sticks doing the hula hoop the whole day, mad yeah? And some people say that the money he gets go to North Korea for the children.

Out with Nina and Jody tomorrow, friends coming over on Wednesday to make korean food, Irene's house on Friday, shopping in the city + cny festival in Chinatown til midnight + Nina sleeps over on Sunday. SCHOOL ON MONDAY.

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