Thursday, November 20, 2008

You're A Lifesaver.

Man, everyone in Malaysia finished school already (i think?) Well, I'm going back soon in about 20+ days or so. I'm excited and I'm not.

Well, in Australia the only exam you get when you are my age, is just a simple Math Exam at the end of the year. Uhm, I got A 96% .. and I don't know if I'm happy or not. Anyway, in science lesson a few days ago, we dissected a cow's heart. Pretty disgusting when you get to cut through the tough muscles.

Year 8 camp's next week, but I'm not going though. Nearly a total of a whole class from all the classes aren't going. I don't want to go simply because, it is my type of thing (adventures and shit) but, I really can't be bothered going. I rather wag school and go somewhre with my friends. OH, and when the people going to camp found out there wasn't going to be any phone line signal, they didn't want to go anymore HAHAHA. Be wise fellas.

Since I go out a lot now, I don't really bother to "record" or blog about it. Simple because, my memory really isn't that good to remember, and sometimes I forget my camera. Yeah, so pass few days was at Jody's, shoppo,basketball, blalalala.

-krystin, craps.

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