Monday, January 28, 2008

Ain't No Hollaback.

Today, my mum woke me up at 6.00 am and bugged me to go to school, to change classes. But when we got there,it wasn't even open.
way to go , mother.

So, we went fr breakfast at a bakery then walked to school. Got our reports, awards, then went to talk to Mrs. Leigh to change classes. She was so freaking rude, gahh. She said we should've asked earlirer, blablabla. OMG, and I found out Jess Millar won't be in the class I SUPPOSED to go to, so.. IF i can't get into the other class.. loner much ?

merit award.

BEFORE YOU EVEN LOOK DOWN, i've got to explain.
C- expected level meaning an A-.
B-above expected level meaning an A.
A-way above expected level meaning an A++.
(the system is pretty different frm american )

my report, there were specific pages for different subjects, but cldn't be bothered scaning all.
this was last year, so.. form 3 standard fr maths ? I AIN'T NO NERD, trust me.
PROBABLY,it's just good form 1 math just tht aussie's are SLOWWWW.

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